Stress is working on a professionally-made promotion film and you can participate!!! Do you want to star in our promotion film? Then make sure to fill in the following form:
During the filming days we will make footage of some amazing activities as well as footage in and around the Stress room. There is free lunch included on both days, a free appreciation drink on 23 February and you can provide your own availability.
What is the Stress Film?
The Stress Film is a promotional film that we will be making for our beautiful association. We will make footage of some characteristic events that we host, such as a lunch lecture and a drink. Besides, we will be making shots in and around the Stress room. All entirely professionally-made. For this we of course need our lovely members who are willing to put in effort to make the end result one to be extremely proud of. Do you want to help us out during the filming days? Then make sure to fill in the form.
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