The Stress Congress is a day filling event that is organised in collaboration with several companies. The purpose of the day for students is to get in touch with these companies through lectures by people in the business life, case studies from renowned companies, a drink and a company dinner. The day is organised in the third quartile of the academic year. If you want to get in touch with companies and interesting speakers, this is the committee for you!


Target group/year: Second year or higher
Duration: Modules one, two, and three
Intensity: Five hours per week in modules one and two, up to ten hours in module three

Committee Members

  • Caj Donkervoort (Chairman)
  • Bogdan Maier (Treasurer & Logistics)
  • Jurrian van Dalen (External Affairs)
  • Nienke Hamster (Public Relations)
  • Wouter Weijnen (External Affairs)
  • Naadir Ismail (Logistics)
  • Till Draschner (Public Relations)

Contact: ​​​​​​​

Stress Congress 2024