Do you have difficulties studying for a course? Don't worry, Stress has a lot of students who did the course before you and will be happy to help. If you're interested in having a student tutoring you, you can check out all available tutors for (I)BA and IEM on the website. When you have found a tutor which meets your needs, you can fill in the request form for a tutor.
Important to note is that Stress is only responsible for helping you get in contact with a tutor. You have to approach the tutor yourself after receiving their contact information, and what happens after the matching is not our responsibility. As a student, it is your task to make arrangements with the tutor about the hours and the payment (the payment of the tutor also had to be done by the student). A useful measure: the University pays student tutors between 10 and 15 euros an hour based on the study year they are in, so a payment within this range would be adequate.
Do you want to become a tutor? All tutors will be uploaded to the website with their information, permission to do this is given through a checkbox. Members who are logged in and require a tutor can choose which tutor fits their needs best. There is a variety of vacancies with different years and courses. The moderator will then send your contact information to the student, after which they are able to approach you.
Are you interested in tutoring students? Then fill in the form to become part of the tutor pool.