The Freshmen Committee is created to improve the contact between first year students by organizing events exclusively for them. Some examples are go-kart racing, laser gaming and movie nights. Furthermore, the Freshmen Committee organise a parents’ day each year. This is a day where parents get the chance to see what their son/daughter actually does at the university and a day on which they can feel like a student again.


Target group/year: First year IEM and IBA
Duration: Whole year
Intensity: 2 hours per week

Committee Members

  • Yannick Sloot (Chairman)
  • Utku Sahin (Treasurer)
  • Sarah Burdett (Marketing Officer)
  • Niranjhan Nair
  • Jesper Wentink
  • Camiel de Jager


Freshmen Committee
Freshmen Committee 2021/2022