We, the Education Committee aim at improving the quality of the study of our fellow students. The committee keeps the summary database on the Stress website up to date. Stress members can use them to practice and study for their own exams. When there are complaints from the students concerning education - about one of the courses for example - they will be handled by this committee. We discuss these complaints in our meetings and decide if something can be done about them. Through the size of the association and the relations with the teachers and the programme management, we can help you with those complaints.
For difficult subjects, Stress organises study sessions. The Education Committee organises these study sessions in cooperation with the Commissioner of Educational Affairs.
If you need more guidance with a subject: Stress has also created a Tutor Platform. On this platform, students can sign up as a tutor, to help other students with the subjects you are good at. At the same time, you can send in a request for a tutor, to receive some help with the subjects you find difficult. The committee members of the EC handle the platform and do their best to find the perfect match you need To Excel at your studies.
Furthermore, for every module, students get a chance to voice their concerns through panel meetings. Module Coordinators and professors attend these panel meetings as well. The panel meetings are handled by the Education Committee and the Commissioner of Educational Affairs.
Joining the Education Committee
Are you someone who likes to be the connection between student and teacher? Or do you thoroughly enjoy arranging all sorts of things with the purpose of making the lives of students easier? Then you would fit perfectly into the Education Committee! Each year, all first-year students can apply to become a member of the committee. For more information or for applying, you can always contact members of the committee or walk into the Stress Room.
Target group/year: First year IBA and IEM, second year IBA and IEM & third year IBA and IEM
Duration: Whole year
Intensity: 4 hours per week
Committee Members
- Frederico de Pinho (IBA 1st year)
- Viktoria Koeva (IEM 1st year)
- Siem Jacobs (IBA 2nd year)
- Ian Sembada (IEM 2nd year)
- Sonya Peti (IBA 3rd year)
- Venise Taboada (IEM 3rd year)
Contact: ec@stress.utwente.nl