Mark your calendar on the 4th of March for the biggest career event of the year; it's time for Stress Congress 2025! On this day, 20+ companies and several speakers will come to Enschede to develop and inspire you. You will get the opportunity to develop yourself further professionally and get in contact with your future employer.

These are the attending companies which you can get in contact with:

  • Company Fair: Actemium, BDO, BearingPoint, CAPE, GXO, iTrainee, Johma, KPMG, Moore MKW, Nedap, Port of Twente (Aon, Bolk, E. van Wijk, Nijhof Wassink), Scania, Supply Value, Victa BI, Voortman Steel.
  • Company Cases: Gupta Strategists (long case), E. van Wijk, GXO, Nijhof Wassink, Pontifexx, Scania, SeederDeBoer, Supply Value (short cases).
  • Company Trainings: CAPE, iTrainee, Pontifexx.
  • Company Dinner*: Gupta Strategists, Pontifexx, Port of Twente.

In addition, we will be joined by Mark van Baal for an interesting welcoming speech. Mark is a green shareholder promoting sustainable change in Big Oil. Check out more information on his organisation, Follow This, here.

Check out the website for the entire schedule, all speakers and other information during the day.

The signup deadline is the 14th of February, so make sure to register on time!

*Participation at the company dinner is based on CV-selection. You can immediately hand your CV in by signing up on the website, or later by emailing it to before the 14th of February.


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